Did you know that your oral health is the gateway to your overall health?

Hi, I'm Dr. Mirna Lazaga here in San Diego, California. Today, we're going to talk about how our mouth is related to our overall health.

How does oral health affect heart health?

Oral health affects heart health because there are a lot of studies which link gum disease or gum infection to heart attack. Did you know also that the same bacteria found in the heart after a heart attack is the same bacteria found in your gums?

How does oral health affect diabetes management?

Oral health highly affects diabetes management. There is an article that I have read that says diabetes and gum disease are a diabolic duo. This means that when you're diabetic, you are prone to getting inflammation of your gums or gum infection. At the same time, when you have gum infection, it's harder to control your blood sugar. So that's why it's considered a diabolic duo—because they worsen each other.

Why is dental care important during pregnancy?

Dental care is important during pregnancy because there are times when what we call pregnancy gingivitis occurs. It's because of a lot of changes, especially hormones in your body, that can trigger pregnancy gingivitis. What happens is your gums suddenly become swollen. Sometimes, it's just a common or specific spot, not all over the body, but there are times that even with brushing, it bleeds profusely. That's why it's really important to see a dentist for cleaning. Plus, some studies show that gum infection can increase the risk of having a low birth weight and also premature birth sevenfold.

Is there a link between oral health and cancer?

Yes, studies have shown links between oral health and periodontal disease with cancer. One example is squamous cell carcinoma. The common spot for this certain cancer can be found on the outside border of your tongue.

How can poor oral health affect your immune system?

Poor oral health can affect the immune system because when you have plaque, which is created by bacteria with food that's in your mouth, it can harden into tartar if not removed within 24 hours. This tartar harbors bacteria, which can cause gum infection. When you have an infection in your mouth, it can easily spread throughout your body. That's why it's very important to see your dentist or hygienist regularly. If you have a healthy mouth, we usually recommend visits at least every six months. If your oral hygiene is poor, we teach you how to improve it and have you come back every three months for monitoring.

Now, we've discussed oral health and our overall health. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call our office at (619) 377-7586. We'll be happy to answer any questions you have. Again, thank you.