FASTBRACES® is the technology you can trust since 1992 to move teeth fast and safely. It is great for teenagers and adults who are looking to straighten their teeth quickly with quality results without cutting corners for speed. This affordable technology, used in countries all over the world, is available in discreet tooth- colored esthetic clear or metal braces that enable dentists to complete treatments easily, comfortably, and really fast, even in about 100 days. That’s because the technology behind the FASTBRACES® revolutionary innovations and patented braces methods helps restore the morphology of healthy bone around the crooked teeth as they become straight and simultaneously treat the gingivitis around them for an even healthier mouth.

Benefits of FASTBRACES®: Really Fast Treatment; Even in about 100 Days;Safe, Easy, and Affordable

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Why are fast braces so fast?

Fast braces are fast because of the technology. We can move teeth differently and typically complete your treatment in three months to a year.

How long has this technology been around and how does it affect oral health?

This technology has been around for 20 years. Because it stays in your mouth for less time, the chances of having cavities are reduced.

How many visits does it usually take for a fast braces treatment?

A fast braces treatment usually requires between five and ten visits. This means parents don't have to take off work as frequently, and children don't have to miss as much school.

How does the fewer number of visits affect the cost of fast braces?

Since fast braces require fewer visits, I don't have to charge you as much. I pass on the savings back to you.

Please contact my office to set up your free consultation, and we'll get you started on giving you a beautiful smile.